Ligthouses fine art pictures photo gallery

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Lighthouses Fine Art Picture Gallery

Click Here to go to My Lighthouses Picture Gallery Must See Ligthouse Pictures

Welcome to my lighthouses picture gallery. Here you will find breathtaking pictures that can help you transform your home into one that will give you peace of mind, and refresh your soul. Pat McNulty's pictures make you feel like you are right there, remembering old memories or experiencing new ones. His unique pictures delight us, lift us up and take us away into another realm.

Lighthouse Picture

Lighthouse Picture

Lighthouse Picture


Also makes a wonderful gift idea. Enjoy free screensavers, free wallpaper, free decorating articles, free photographye tips, and enter a free contest ! Ready to frame fine art photography. Secure Online Ordering. Discover breathtaking pictures which allow you to create a unique home and will refresh and uplift your soul.
A lighthouse is a tower, building, or framework designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses or, in older times, from a fire and used as an aid to navigation and to pilots at sea.

Lighthouses are used to mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals and reefs, safe entries to harbors and can also assist in aerial navigation. Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and replacement by modern electronic navigational aids.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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©1999-2008 All photos herein are property of Pat McNulty and are not to be copied or duplicated in any way. Please feel free to set any picture on this page as wallpaper for your computer or download a free screensaver.