10 Free Screensavers for Your Computer Desktop Premierphotographer.com is pleased to offer you free desktop screensavers of our photographer’s images. The images below are the exquisite work of Pat McNulty. All of these photographs may be purchased on our website, At this time our screen savers will only work on a windows operating system. Definition of screensaver: A Screensaver is a program that runs automatically after a given period of computer activity. A screensaver is usually a series of images that float around your screen. The original idea behind the screensaver was to literally save your screen (or, rather, keep the pixels on your monitor from permanently "burning" a ghost image onto your screen). These days, most folks have monitors that come with a "power save" mode that shuts the screen off completely after a period of inactivity. Directions for downloading screensavers
We would like to thank you for visiting the Premierphotographer.com Web site by giving you for FREE Pat McNulty's photography screen savers. We do ask that you please tell a few friends who would enjoy these beautiful pictures. |